martedì 27 settembre 2011

[CE] Waiting for more rights...

Many activists applauded Saudi Arabia's recognition of women's political right to vote. Indeed, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud announced that women will be able to vote since the 2015 LOCAL elections. But they are still not allowed to drive and they are barred from travelling. And also, they are still not allowed to work or to have medical operations without a permission of a male relative (Can you imagine it?).

I am not sure if this decision could be considered as something that recognize more the dignity and the rights of Saudi women. I know that it a small step that many of them are appreciating,  but I am still a bit skeptical. To me, it's seems like the King has decided to give the right to vote only to avoid that women will be asking, in the next months or years, for more and more rights. You know, something like: ''Take this, but now shut up''.

I think everyone heard about the ''Arab Spring'', which is taking place in north Africa. Women are part of this revolution (someone tends to forget it). What if with this apparent wind of change is making them hope for a better condition in the society? We all know the answer to this question. Many of them are already using internet to spread their opinions all over the world and to condemn the strong chauvinism of their countries.

So, I don't know. I can't be completely glad of what happened there. I am sure only about one thing: I should thank God every day, because even if I am not living in the most perfect place in the world (Italy), as a woman (teenager, if you prefer!), I still can express freely my opinion and stand for my rights. We take it for guaranteed, but it’s not.

1 commento:

  1. I agree that it seems that the Saudi government has been "trickling out" some rights and benefits for its citizens, including this news about voting rights. (Earlier I think they also increased wages for state workers, or something like that.) I also agree that it seems like a big bribe to the citizenry, to keep them from tearing the roof off like what's happening in Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, etc. The thing is, if there's an uprising in Saudi Arabia it will have enormous consequences for the entire world because of that country's oil reserves...Something to think about!
