giovedì 15 settembre 2011

[FREE] ''Please Luki, come back!''

It has been exactly two weeks since I attend Alameda High and twenty four days since I am in the USA. My life is changing a lot and I feel that these changes are helping me to know myself better than before. Only now, far away from my family, my friends and my beautiful home country, I realize how I am incomplete as human being.

Every day, facing smaller or bigger challenges, I discover new aspects of myself that really surprise me. Who would have imagined that I would have to go to another continent to do it?! I usually feel positive when I open these secret doors, but sometimes I don't. So I start asking myself: ''Where did you go Luki? Please, come back!''. Yes. I talk to myself. But who doesn't?! Well, this impression of ''loosing'' part of me is not so frequent and hopefully it will never be. I believe that this is the real tricky challenge that I have to face here.

Anyway, I am curious to see how this process of growth will end. And how the people who know me will react when they will see this ''new'' Luki. In some ways it's really exciting! Even if sometimes my reactions to these changes are more suited to a dramatic soap opera actress rather than a normal girl. That's probably the Italian influence,and you can't feel it more if your room mate is German. Explosive combination.

Now, I don't know if I can say something right to finish this post. Probably because this topic is still an open door which I hope to close at the end of this challenging and exciting year.

1 commento:

  1. ...Or, never close the door at all. Why should anyone ever have to feel like they've "finished" figuring out who they are? That sounds boring. To me it seems that people are always changing, and always new. I am certainly not the same person I was last year, or the year before...Or maybe even yesterday.

    Also...going to another continent is an extremely quick way to open the "Who am I?" door...Makes perfect sense.
