mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

[CE] Slow death.

Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, has narrowly won a crucial vote on a much-altered austerity plan seeking to stem a debt crisis that threatens to help tear apart the eurozone.The government hopes that the measures, coupled with a $65.6bn plan approved in July, will help bring the country's budget back into balance in 2013.
Currently, Italy is going through a very troubled time, both politically and economically. Our government is a fractious coalition held together by a rich and powerful man: Silvio Berlusconi. He uses corruption and media indoctrination to keep the power in his hands. I forgot! The political party or the politicians who should represent the people who disagree with that man don’t exist. They are a big, a huge, an enormous nothing. They are people who care about money and about their own and their families’ comfort, forgetting that they were voted and elected by the citizens and for the citizens, and not by and for their relatives.

So ‘The Knight’ (Il Cavaliere ), as we call our lovely Silvio, has just won a crucial vote ‘on much-altered austerity plan seeking to stem a debt crisis that threatens to help tear apart the Eurozone ’. 316 deputies voted in favour while 302 against these measures. Maybe I should say he has barely won. Anyway, the whole thing has not finished yet. Indeed, the chamber is about to vote a second time on Wednesday evening to formalize the passage of the package. The government hope is to bring country’s budget back into balance in 2013. Good luck.

Some of the most important measures of this economic plan are: raising the retirement age of women, raising IVA from  20% to 21%, cut taxes and step up the fight against tax evasion. Apparently, not bad  purposes, but when Berlusconi is involved, nothing is as we expected it to be. So I am curious to see what will happen next.

What is purpose of this boring and quick explanation? Well, I am trying to highlight as much as I can that these conditions, in which we are living, are not acceptable for a country like Italy. Something has to change. How can we try to save Italy from a more brutal recession if we have a political majority, and minority, like these?

3 commenti:

  1. It's interesting to see this opinion and elaboration of the political situation in Italy because I'm not typically exposed to Italian media and issues!! I'm sure the other students are also like me :)
    This is also really well written!
    You'll find we have similar issues of class disparity in the US. Our recession has only served to worsen the disparity, much to my chagrin!!! I hope Italy does not descend in the same way.

  2. Hey! well Italy has already descended to the same way.. and I think it will be every day worse.
    But never loose hope! :) see you tomorrow

  3. yes, we have to believe in the future!!! :)
