venerdì 23 settembre 2011

[RE] If you suck, improve yourself.

Our generation right now sucks.

This is the kind of sentence that I really don't understand. And I am a bit surprised that it was written by a girl of my age. I read Pamela's post entirely and it was a long complain about how our generation is miserable and lazy. My dad talks like this. But he is almost fifty and he is ''passè''. 

I am not saying that she didn't write sharable opinions, but I don't like making comparisons between this and that generation. You just can't do it, because every age is characterized by different trends and political, cultural or social movements. The political and social backgrounds are always different. So, in my opinion, making comparisons and saying ''that was better than this'' is wrong. And if you want to do it, you have to support your thesis with facts, not with empirical impressions.

Anyway, I think that in the past the people weren't always satysfied and glad of the period during which they were living and of their generation . Two simple examples? During 1910-20 occurred the War World I with its consequences. And a few years later occurred the War World II with its consequences. I am not sure if the majority of the people had good opinions of each other. Or if they were ''happy'' to live in that kind of world. And we could go either back or forth in the years, making thousands of examples. 

The last thing I would like to say is that instead of complaining only about how we suck or about how the others suck, we should try to improve ourselves. This would be the first step to become an appreciable generation.

1 commento:

  1. I don't know. I love my generation. I'm not ashamed at all, and I never will be. When it comes to social justice, literacy, and activism we're the best this world has ever seen. In my opinion (and that's not to discredit the heroes of the past!)
    It's true that instead of complaining all the time about how terrible you think you are, you should try to improve yourself.
