venerdì 30 settembre 2011

[RE] Catherine and Heatcliff. And Math.

 So if Calc I finds tangents, derivatives, and integrals in two dimensions, my class Calc III finds tangents, derivatives, and integrals in three dimensions.[...] It is quite an interesting class.

When I read Christopher's post, I was like: please, tell me it is a joke. Very simply (not for me anyways), he explains the differences between Calculus III, which he is taking, and Calculus I. He tries, as much as he can, to summarize Calc III course to the audience, hopefully composed by people with a little knowledge of Algebra. So the question I was asking myself after I read the post was: ''why did you read the post?'' I mean, I don't belong to this group of people AT ALL.  My relationship with Math is complicated, like the one between Catherine and Heathcliff from ''Wuthering Heights''. 

But after a while, I figured out the answer: I felt Christopher's passion and energy towards what he was explaining and towards what he is studying. I think it's amazing. It's great when you study something that you like, because the probabilities that the results will be good or really really good are higher than usual. But it's not possible to be fond of everything, and in that case you have to try to do your best anyway, in order to do a decent job. Theoretically. BUT, I just can't do it when Math is involved. An obscure force possesses my mind during my fifth period, during which I have Pre-Calculus, and blows it off. Or maybe turns it off. Completely. 

What's the result of everything? I hate Math. Because I don't understand. I don't get the point. I can't appreciate the beauty of Math. Even if I would like to do it.

mercoledì 28 settembre 2011

[FREE] ''Italians do it better''. Not always.

Few days ago, during dinner, I had an interesting and challenging discussion with my host parents. It all started with the question: ''Would you eat pizza here, Luki?''. And my answer was like ''Damn, no! Only forced!''. Well, it wasn't the best answer that I could give and also, the way I said it was mean. So we started talking about food in general and we end up talking (implicitly) about my snob and a bit close-minded attitude towards American culture.

Only now, far away from Italy, I see how much my country's pride about his own culture affected me. And I am sure that also the way my parents raised me influenced me in this sense (mom and dad, don't worry, I love you anyways!). I could have explained more clearly my opinions and make them understand that I have a huge respect for American culture, and the fact that I decided to come here confirms it. American people's attitude towards life, the independence from a young age, the idealism and the multiculturalism brought me here.

So, dear host parents, I will try to improve in this sense. Not lose the opportunity to do or taste or see something new here, only because I think ''Italians do it better'' ( No misunderstandings, please. I am talking in general!). And about my, hopefully, not very frequent snob behavior: it doesn't sound new to me that someone makes me notice this aspect of my character. What can I say? Well, let me have this defect, because I could risk to become perfect! ahah

martedì 27 settembre 2011

[CE] Waiting for more rights...

Many activists applauded Saudi Arabia's recognition of women's political right to vote. Indeed, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud announced that women will be able to vote since the 2015 LOCAL elections. But they are still not allowed to drive and they are barred from travelling. And also, they are still not allowed to work or to have medical operations without a permission of a male relative (Can you imagine it?).

I am not sure if this decision could be considered as something that recognize more the dignity and the rights of Saudi women. I know that it a small step that many of them are appreciating,  but I am still a bit skeptical. To me, it's seems like the King has decided to give the right to vote only to avoid that women will be asking, in the next months or years, for more and more rights. You know, something like: ''Take this, but now shut up''.

I think everyone heard about the ''Arab Spring'', which is taking place in north Africa. Women are part of this revolution (someone tends to forget it). What if with this apparent wind of change is making them hope for a better condition in the society? We all know the answer to this question. Many of them are already using internet to spread their opinions all over the world and to condemn the strong chauvinism of their countries.

So, I don't know. I can't be completely glad of what happened there. I am sure only about one thing: I should thank God every day, because even if I am not living in the most perfect place in the world (Italy), as a woman (teenager, if you prefer!), I still can express freely my opinion and stand for my rights. We take it for guaranteed, but it’s not.

venerdì 23 settembre 2011

[RE] If you suck, improve yourself.

Our generation right now sucks.

This is the kind of sentence that I really don't understand. And I am a bit surprised that it was written by a girl of my age. I read Pamela's post entirely and it was a long complain about how our generation is miserable and lazy. My dad talks like this. But he is almost fifty and he is ''passè''. 

I am not saying that she didn't write sharable opinions, but I don't like making comparisons between this and that generation. You just can't do it, because every age is characterized by different trends and political, cultural or social movements. The political and social backgrounds are always different. So, in my opinion, making comparisons and saying ''that was better than this'' is wrong. And if you want to do it, you have to support your thesis with facts, not with empirical impressions.

Anyway, I think that in the past the people weren't always satysfied and glad of the period during which they were living and of their generation . Two simple examples? During 1910-20 occurred the War World I with its consequences. And a few years later occurred the War World II with its consequences. I am not sure if the majority of the people had good opinions of each other. Or if they were ''happy'' to live in that kind of world. And we could go either back or forth in the years, making thousands of examples. 

The last thing I would like to say is that instead of complaining only about how we suck or about how the others suck, we should try to improve ourselves. This would be the first step to become an appreciable generation.

giovedì 22 settembre 2011

[FREE] 'Burlesque?' 'No, thanks.'

Watching movies relaxes me, because every time I do it I have the feeling to be in a beautiful dream. But watching something that could not be considered a movie,  makes my dream become a nightmare. And it also really annoys me because cinema is an art, and so it should be interpreted.

Few days ago I decided to undergo to a never-ending torture: watching 'Burlesque' by Steve Antin. A girl  (Christina Aguilera) runs away from the oppressive Ohio to get to Los Angeles, hoping to become a well-known singer. She becomes the star of a nightclub called 'Burlesque', managed by a former dancer/singer.(Cher) A man (Stanley Tucci, who was probably either drunk or under drugs when he accepted the part. Maybe both) helpes Cher to organise the shows and to get dress the girls who work in 'Burlesque'. There is also the poor and handsome guy  too(Cam Gigandet), who wins back the love of Aguilera five minutes, maybe ten, before the movie finishes.Last, but not least, there is the redeemed villain (Kristen Bell), who is supposed to 'rock the boat'.

The only significant moments of the whole movie are when Aguilera sings, and the reason is clear. Otherwise, the script is the cliche' of the most american cliche' (sorry!!!) that you could ever read about or see. Everyone can achieve his/her goals and everything will come to the best end. Shall I continue? The actors/actresses, professional and not professional,  performed in a way that I don't even know how to define.

In my opinion, the fault of this flop is of the producers. I know that now they are trying to spend less money, because of the crisis, and at the same time earn as much as they can. But you can do both things without producing TRASH. During the 1950s/60s/70s, Italy produced movies with a few money, because they chose directors as Fellini, Germi, Pontecorvo, Leone, Gassman, NOT I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE Antin.

So tell me, please, why did you make and produced a movie that made me feel sick for the next three days?

lunedì 19 settembre 2011

[CE] Mr. B. and Giampi.

During these days, in Italy we are able to read the records of the telephone calls between the prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and Giampaolo ''Giampi'' Tarantini, a business man of dubious reputation. Mr. Tarantini was in charge of finding young ladies who would join our premier's company, but not only, during parties organized in some of his houses.

Even if I was aware of our premier's leanings towards this kind of ''hobbies'' (orgy with teenagers and prostitutes), and that he was not the only one to take part in these activities (I am not sure if you remember the picture with Topolanek, former-president of Cech Republic, naked and surrounded by young ladies in Berlusconi's house in Sardinia!), I felt sick after I read all this rubbish again. Facing the fact is tough. Facing it almost every day is tougher.

But I want to write down some numbers, so you will realize what I am talking about. (Also in the case you don't trust me or it seems too unreal for you to believe. Many Italians think that). Between July 10th 2008 and may 3rd 2009, Tarantini organized for the premier about 20 evenings. He spent for Mr. B. over 80 thousand euros in nine months in paying escorts, hotels, limousines and gifts. Of course, the money spent were given back. Should I continue? No, I will not. It's too depressive.

Now, my opinion it's clear, so I would like ending with some questions to ask to a part of my fellow citizen: when do you think it will be the time to chase away Berlusconi and make him try for his crimes? What other evidences do you need? Unfortunately, I already know the answers, but I will not share them because they are too sad.

Here's something about it from ''The Time''. Even if I prefer to read about this topic on ''La Repubblica'', an Italian newspaper.

venerdì 16 settembre 2011

[RE] Just say it.

I don't understand why people can't tell you things straight up.
This quote, taken from Kayluh's blog, makes me smile and the reason is simple: I totally agree with her. I am the kind of person who can not stand people who don't say things for what they are and directly to the person concerned. I know that is not always appropriate say what you think or spit it out, but sometimes, for example when you need a clarification with a person as in Kayluh's case, it's necessary.
I also understand that not everyone has the tendency to be always honest and direct, and there's nothing wrong in it. But sometimes you can't avoid to say the truth only because you are afraid of people's reaction or of what they will think. Bad. Doing things because of someone else demonstrates you have a big lack in your  personality. 
Anyway, this is only my opinion. The way I behave. I don't want someone to say to me ''Oh, but you didn't tell me..'' or '' you are afraid to say it..'' . I don't expect people to be like me either, because I realize that I can be too brutal saying almost always what I have in my mind and I know that it can embarrass. This is why I am trying to find a compromise with myself : being honest, but not intrusive and embarrassing for others. 

Maybe it would be interesting to see someone that is not used to be direct to be it. So ''tell things straight up''. Just to try it. Just say it. 
I will try to close my mouth from time to time.

giovedì 15 settembre 2011

[FREE] ''Please Luki, come back!''

It has been exactly two weeks since I attend Alameda High and twenty four days since I am in the USA. My life is changing a lot and I feel that these changes are helping me to know myself better than before. Only now, far away from my family, my friends and my beautiful home country, I realize how I am incomplete as human being.

Every day, facing smaller or bigger challenges, I discover new aspects of myself that really surprise me. Who would have imagined that I would have to go to another continent to do it?! I usually feel positive when I open these secret doors, but sometimes I don't. So I start asking myself: ''Where did you go Luki? Please, come back!''. Yes. I talk to myself. But who doesn't?! Well, this impression of ''loosing'' part of me is not so frequent and hopefully it will never be. I believe that this is the real tricky challenge that I have to face here.

Anyway, I am curious to see how this process of growth will end. And how the people who know me will react when they will see this ''new'' Luki. In some ways it's really exciting! Even if sometimes my reactions to these changes are more suited to a dramatic soap opera actress rather than a normal girl. That's probably the Italian influence,and you can't feel it more if your room mate is German. Explosive combination.

Now, I don't know if I can say something right to finish this post. Probably because this topic is still an open door which I hope to close at the end of this challenging and exciting year.

mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

[CE] Slow death.

Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, has narrowly won a crucial vote on a much-altered austerity plan seeking to stem a debt crisis that threatens to help tear apart the eurozone.The government hopes that the measures, coupled with a $65.6bn plan approved in July, will help bring the country's budget back into balance in 2013.
Currently, Italy is going through a very troubled time, both politically and economically. Our government is a fractious coalition held together by a rich and powerful man: Silvio Berlusconi. He uses corruption and media indoctrination to keep the power in his hands. I forgot! The political party or the politicians who should represent the people who disagree with that man don’t exist. They are a big, a huge, an enormous nothing. They are people who care about money and about their own and their families’ comfort, forgetting that they were voted and elected by the citizens and for the citizens, and not by and for their relatives.

So ‘The Knight’ (Il Cavaliere ), as we call our lovely Silvio, has just won a crucial vote ‘on much-altered austerity plan seeking to stem a debt crisis that threatens to help tear apart the Eurozone ’. 316 deputies voted in favour while 302 against these measures. Maybe I should say he has barely won. Anyway, the whole thing has not finished yet. Indeed, the chamber is about to vote a second time on Wednesday evening to formalize the passage of the package. The government hope is to bring country’s budget back into balance in 2013. Good luck.

Some of the most important measures of this economic plan are: raising the retirement age of women, raising IVA from  20% to 21%, cut taxes and step up the fight against tax evasion. Apparently, not bad  purposes, but when Berlusconi is involved, nothing is as we expected it to be. So I am curious to see what will happen next.

What is purpose of this boring and quick explanation? Well, I am trying to highlight as much as I can that these conditions, in which we are living, are not acceptable for a country like Italy. Something has to change. How can we try to save Italy from a more brutal recession if we have a political majority, and minority, like these?

giovedì 8 settembre 2011

[CE]A positive lesson

When you write something about fashion, many people usually think it is all trash. This is also true when you write something about a person belonging to this world. But, it happens that the fashion world can give us an opportunity to discuss an important topic, other than how much cellulite Gisele Bundchen gained this summer.

The fashion designer John Galliano,  who is no longer the head of fashion house Dior,  has been the protagonist of a series of drunken outbursts in a Paris bar. What’s the big problem? Anti-semitic behavior. But it wasn’t the first time and, in my opinion, it won’t be the last. His behavior has been condemned in public by peers like the Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld and the US actress Natalie Portman . Galliano’s reputation and  his role as a leading figure in the world of high fashion has been, I hope, damaged irreversibly.

What is my focus? It might be obvious, but it is necessary. I feel that it’s a duty to condemn openly that offensive and disrespectful way in which this man behaved. The problem is not only that a well-known person, who usually is supposed to be a kind of role model for the people, exhibited such low behavior, but that he consciously insulted the memory of 6 million people and their own families. Whether someone is famous or not, these comments are unacceptable and  inexcusable.

A positive lesson that we can learn from this is that this behavior is not tolerated and it usually has negative consequences.

mercoledì 7 settembre 2011

[FREE] A coconut hit my head

Some days it happens that I wake up in the morning and I feel like a coconut has hit my head. Today was one of those days.                                                                              

I don’t know how to describe this sensation I feel when it happens, but I’ll try to explain it. It’s like being in a constant state of confusion and having the feeling that something unpleasant is going to happen. And you know what? I don’t try to fight against it anymore. ‘If anything can go wrong, it will’ says one of the Murphy’s laws. The only thing I usually do to reduce the eventuality that the coconut hits me is to follow a kind of advice I read in a book: ‘Wake up in the morning and be optimistic’. When I first read it, I laughed. But then, I tried to be open-minded and to see if it could work. Honestly, it does. I feel better than before. 
Anyway, sometimes you can’t avoid  that some coconuts  fall off the palm and you can’t  avoid them to hit you. And today I wasn’t able to do it.

What did go wrong? No one cares. Nor me. I just want to get this unpleasant feelings off my chest and go on. Now I am frustrated and annoyed, but it’s not going to happen tomorrow too. 
Well, I hope. Because how I said before ‘If anything can go wrong, it will’.  So for tomorrow,I think I will either pray ''the God of the good days'' to be nice to me or to pray ''the God of rock'n'roll'' to escape uninjured as Keith Richards did, when he fell off the coconut palm.