venerdì 7 ottobre 2011

[CE] Competitive businesses.

I was looking for some interesting news to write about in my CE post, and I saw this title: ''India creates world's cheapest computer''. Wow.

The computer costs $ 45 and it's targeted mostly at students. It has taken over 4 years to develop it, and now here it is. The main purpose of this project is to give the chance to the Indian students to have the access to technology. Indeed, in India the laptops range from anywhere between $ 400 and $ 1000, and the average income is much lower. 100,000 computers will be available in the next months in select universities. Of course experts say that the device has to be improved, so this will not be the ultimate version of it.

One of the first thing that I thought while I was only reading the title of the video, was that this is the kind of news that you expect to be related with India, or maybe China, countries which are about to lead the world's economy. In fact their only way to surpass countries like USA in this kind of businesses is to be very competitive. And they are really competitive. I don’t know if the laptop will be used out of India and if it will be even used by the students so much as the creators of the device hope, but I just can say that they already did a great job. Anyway, I hope that there will not be speculations on the project. In fact, in Italy I am used to hear about great news on benefits for people who live in conditions of precariousness, but, after a while and somehow, they turn to be either not completely true or someone (it depends on what we’re talking about) speculates on them. So those people, for who the advantage was meant for, in reality will never benefit from it. It’s sad, and that’s why I am so cynical about everything.

I am curious to hear more about the laptop in the next weeks/months, and hopefully something good.

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