mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011

[FREE] ''Wanted: Title''.

It's 07:19 pm and I am still studying math for tomorrow's test. Then I should study US History. Why? TEST. Meanwhile I should make also research for US Government and write at least one of my three weekly posts. This week I would rather skip them: first because I am so overwelmed for the homework, tests, and some personal issues that I have no inspiration. Then I must say that the last week essay was a bit difficult for me to do; infact, I have just got used to write 250/300 words with no big problems and then I jumped to one thousand words in few days (I also skipped the beewekly posts, which maybe could have helped me to get used to write more than 300 words).

I tried to look to other people's post and to the current events, but I my mind was off. I could not write anything except: ''blah blah blah'', which doesn't really express a real idea. So here I am. Talking about how I have no topic to deal with. I feel that these two weeks are going to kill me soon. Too many things going on, and my bad habit to wake up early like an old person doesn't help too. Damn, I can't even sleep during weekends! And if I wake up at 5:45, as many times happened, I can't fall asleep again. Can you imagine? I need a long nap. My mind needs it. My poor brain has a double work to do, translating for me everything I do in three languages.

I think that's enough for today. I don't even know how to name my post. I really need to turn off my brain for a while. Not today though.

1 commento:

  1. Sorry things have been stressful.

    Check out Terrace's post:
