giovedì 20 ottobre 2011

[RE] ''You're not your PJ''.

Also, when you protest, people should act in a professional manner. This means demonstrating peacefully, and dressing up like a professional.

Today, during my English class, Sutherland read a bunch of quotes taken from people blogs. The common topic was the occupation of Oakland and in general the protest that are going on all over the country/world. Some of them were sharable, some were not, but the thing that really captured my attention was what Alvin thinks about the demonstrations and the rules we should follow while we are occupying. ''...people should act in a professional manner [...] and dressing up like a professional''. Uh? Maybe it's because of my weak English that I am not interpretating Alvin's words well,but...

Is he saying that we should go dressed in suits to these demonstrations? Okay, I am sure that he didn't really think this, but what I understood is that he states that a ''proper'' clothing makes you respectable. Well, I strongly desagree. Ideas go beyond the clothes, so you could wear a PJ during a meeting in Wall Street (of course I am not suggesting it! Your reputation would be fucked), but your opinions could be still valuable. Then, what does it mean ''act in professional manners?''. The only thing you should do is respect the law and behave as the common sense request (hopefully people do it anyways and always!). So I still can't figure out what is he referring to.

I must say that I am quite confused by what Alvin wrote. I feel like he is ''discriminating'' and discrediting many people (maybe hippies? Have no clue) that don't follow the fashion blindly, so they are seen like weird. Maybe because they have dreads like Bob Marley. I would be more careful to say this kind of things. We should not base our opinions on CLOTHES.

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